Founder’s Report
It gives us great pleasure to be presenting our 20th Annual Report. It enables us to share critical information on our achievements and our challenges at all levels with our partners, donors, well wishers and other stakeholders. FEDCROT was established in 06.12.1992 with a group of committed youths in the field of rural development. FEDCROT got its legal entity by registering under the Indian Society Registration Act  with a registration number of 25/93  on 25.01.1993.  FEDCROT is also registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act of1976 and got the registration number 0f  075940580.FEDCROT started its activities in the remote rural areas of Madurai, and Sivagangai District.
It’s emerged as one of the leading organizations in the field of health, education, Sanitation and economic empowerment of the target communities through women self-help groups’ formation and training.

is working primarily in the field of development co-operation, heath and rural education. Its main focus is developing a better social structure in the most backward rural sections of Madurai& Sivagangai District through the support of state and national governments, pro-development establishments and organizations.

It is heartening to tell you all that FEDCROT SOCIETY is completing 20 years of its existence. When it started in the Year of 1992 had the objectives of catalyzing the poor, enabling them to eradicate their poverty and became self reliant by increasing their incomes. During the year, 2011-2012 FEDCROT SOCIETY has made significant inroads in organization building, giving Awareness about SHGs, creating, and training the Self Help Groups (SHGs).

I would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to our donor, Bank of Baroda, Pandiyan Grama Bank, STATE BANK OF INDIA, BANK OF INDIA AND CANARA BANK, Madurai Corporation, NABARD, NABARD Financial Services, NIIT, Tamilnadu Women Development Corporation, for having support us and standing firm in the past. We hope to receive their continuous support in the future as well.

 I would also like to make a special mention of FEDCROT SOCIETY’S team whose collaborative efforts have made different ideas to become a virtual truth with hard work and commitment. We have been able to initiate and build partnerships with organizations, financial institutions and communities as a whole. We look forward to exponential growth of the Society and in overcoming the challenges in tasks ahead.

Yours Faithfully
M.Subburam., M.A.,

Our Area of Operations